“Fundamentals” - Deadline for the Collateral Events

HKVB-2010 MG 1034-web

Photo from the Hong Kong collateral event in the 12th International Architecture Exhibition


26th November 2013 is the deadline to submit the application for the collateral events in the 14th International Architecture Exhibition.

The 14th International Architecture Exhibition, directed by Rem Koolhaas, will be held from Saturday 7th June to Sunday 23rd November 2014 at the Giardini and Arsenale venues.

Rem Koolhaas has stated: “Fundamentals will be a Biennale about architecture, not architects. After several Biennales dedicated to the celebration of the contemporary, Fundamentals will focus on histories - on the inevitable elements of all architecture used by any architect, anywhere, anytime (the door, the floor, the ceiling etc.) and on the evolution of national architectures in the last 100 years. In three complementary manifestations - taking place in the Central Pavilion, the Arsenale, and the National Pavilions - this retrospective will generate a fresh understanding of the richness of architecture’s fundamental repertoire, apparently so exhausted today”.