

I have always had the inclination to scrutinize attentively everything. I saw, and while observing, losing myself… and see other things, beyond. It is something “congenital”. I never had the intention to do it, images gathered in my eyes and in my mind. I looked forward the tangible aspect making the matter the starting point and the colour the means.

I like thinking that every stone is a tale, a piece of history, a truly splinter of life, a sort of natural letter, shaped by the sea, the wind, by the chisel of the passed time to come just here, that I would be “here” because she captures me. I put my eyes, my hands on the stone, they are ravished by it and so they ravish it to that nature that kindly engraves it for me… and I, to thank it, paint for it, completing a piece of work just partially realized.

When I pick up a stone, I don’t always realize what it suggests me, sometimes a bare whispering… next I put the stone on the lathe and so the whispering becomes at first a clear and bright voice and next a truly scream. My hand begins to trace out the drawing in every detail, in a way that painting it, nothing would be lost… no folds, no prominence, the colour discovers, do not covers, reveals, Soul… 

artist statement 

Sober sensations and catching perceptions coming from the sight of the graceful movements of the stone painted by the artist Maria Teresa Sabatiello. The author, born in Milan, interprets through her own emotional scenery, a natural material to whom she gives its own soul. The ennoblement of the artistic object appears a tangible sign of a keen sensibility towards everything that surrounds it, an ability to observe that goes beyond the mere technique. The freedom of the interpretation determines a transposition of the reality into the matter, where the painting iconography not only sense to truly respect the natural modulation of the stone, i.e. it overcomes then trough a figurative painting inspires to it. So fluctuating sculptures are originated and that give to the observer a deep sense of visual harmony and chromatic softness strengthened by a modus pingendi compared to the music language.

text by Sabrina Falzone
