heinz aeschlimann


As an engineer, I communicate closely with the environment, observing the perpetual confrontation and tension between resistance and harmony, nature, technology and humanity. The artistic expression of these constant influences and emotions and their conversion into creative energy is my passion which allows me to escape from the pressures of day to day life.

Heinz Aeschlimann 

Heinz Aeschlimann designs and works with a breathtaking speed. A concrete experience where the process of creation and a fascination with the material are the catalyst which shapes a sculpture. His varied forms of expression are attributable to these factors, as is his experimentation with the most diverse materials, always testing the limits, and above all searching for a harmonious match between two different materials.The steel sculptures, which are the result of a fortunate symbiosis of a zest for creation and a profound knowledge of materials, move in an aesthetic balancing act between monumentality and playful form disintegration; as futuristic storms of steel, they present a stunning contrast to the architecture of our inner courtyard.Since 1970 Heinz Aeschlimann has created numerous steel sculptures, Gussasphalt sculptures, Sculptures in combinations of these materials, ranging in size from small to monumental. The latter weigh in at several tonnes and are snapped up by sculpture parks and collections. He has been invited by distinguished curators to participate in exhibitions in the USA, Europe and Asia.
As founder of the unique art centre art-st-urban, a museum and sculpture park with a very special concept and platform for international artists, he also invites and supports young artists for the art-st-urban artist in residence program.
He works in Switzerland, in the towns of Zofingen and St. Urban, and lives in Stansstad.


Text by art-st-urban – Gertrud Kohler - Aeschlimann